Next Availability: November 2024

WordPress Maintenance Plans

If you have a WordPress website, regular maintenance is a must.

While software-as-a-service website builders (like Squarespace, Wix, etc.) handle most security, performance and software updates on your website for you, WordPress leaves it all up to you. Even though WordPress is “free” to build on, I recommend most people pay for a care plan from a trusted website designer or developer.

If you’d rather avoid a monthly cost and you have the time and risk tolerance, you can handle website updates and maintenance on your own. If you’re a current or past client of mine, check your Website Owner’s Manual for instructions. At the bare minimum, you need to make sure your WordPress core, plugins and theme(s) are all updated frequently, your website is properly backed up frequently, and everything looks and works well for your website visitor.

Here are a few ways I work with client websites on a monthly basis to make sure all these things are taken care of. All of my maintenance plans can be set up to auto-pay, and they’re all offered month-to-month (there’s no contract if you end up changing your mind).

Note that these maintenance plans do not include website hosting or domain registration — that’s your responsibility.

WordPress Website Maintenance Plans

Maintenance Only | $75 per month

If you don’t update your site frequently and just need your website to be maintained/kept safe in its current state, this option is best for you. What it includes:

  • WordPress core updates, plugin updates, and theme updates (and making sure that none of these updates cause problems to your site; if they do I fix them for free 95% of the time)
  • One full-site visual check and contact form test each month
  • Uptime monitoring
  • 30 days of off-site daily backups
  • Optional website audit done once per year
  • Priority in scheduling additional website work and projects

If you’re on my preferred host,, I offer a small discount on this plan.


Maintenance + Content Edits | $175 per month

If you’re often too busy to update your website (your business hours, your specials, upcoming events, job postings, etc.), this plan is for you. Instead of you logging into your WordPress dashboard every time you need to make a change, my support team can handle it for you with just a simple email request.

I outsource this service so that someone is available 24/7 — something I can’t provide by myself. If you’re doing 2-4 content updates per month, you’ll save money with this plan vs. hiring me hourly as needed.

What it includes:

  • Unlimited content edits (as long as they take 30 minutes or less) through my 24/7 help desk (tasks are usually completed within 8 hours of receipt) — note that this plan doesn’t include design changes, just content changes
  • WordPress core updates, plugin updates, and theme updates (and making sure that none of these updates cause problems to your site; if they do I fix them for free 95% of the time)
  • Uptime monitoring
  • 90 days of off-site backups
  • Daily security scans and malware cleanup
  • A dashboard to see what’s being done to keep your site up and running
  • Optional website audit done once per year
  • Priority in scheduling additional website work and projects

Maintenance + Edits + Ongoing Support | $300 per month

If you need a more consistent website partner to help you keep your website moving forward, this option might be for you. In addition to everything offered by the previous plans, this plan includes up to two hours of my time focused on your website each month (this time doesn’t roll over month to month).

I’ll send you an email at the beginning of each month to see what you need help with — we can spend the two hours on a strategy/consulting call, or I can check out your website analytics and make suggestions, or I can set up a new feature or page on your website.

You’ll also get a 15% discount on my current hourly rate for any work that exceeds our two-hour allotment.

What it includes:

  • Up to two hours of my time focused on improving your website each month (spent however you request it) — no rollovers
  • A 15% discount on my current hourly rate for any additional projects/work
  • Unlimited content edits (as long as they take 30 minutes or less) through my 24/7 help desk (tasks are usually completed within 8 hours of receipt)
  • WordPress core updates, plugin updates, and theme updates (and making sure that none of these updates cause problems to your site; if they do I fix them for free 95% of the time)
  • Uptime monitoring
  • 90 days of off-site backups
  • Daily security scans and malware cleanup
  • A dashboard to see what’s being done to keep your site up and running
  • Optional website audit done once per year
  • Priority in scheduling additional website work and projects

Help As Needed | $150/hour

If a care plan isn’t for you, I’m happy to help with website updates/projects as needed (subject to my availability).