Spring is here and I am overjoyed. But for one last winter moment, I wanted to share this beautiful video:
A man named Vince has lived alone for years at the top of Mammoth Mountain, just over 11,000 feet. Every time it’s wild weather in town, it’s double or triple that wild where Vince lives. I couldn’t handle it, but I love seeing Vince live it.
“People ask me why do you do this? I love the challenge of living on the mountain. Everything’s beautiful up here to me.”
I’ve lived in Mammoth for 7 years and I know it’s not my forever home. I’m hoping by next winter I’ll live down the hill out of the snow, but I’m glad to see this video and remember what a wild and beautiful place this is to live, hard winters and all — and to keep being grateful for it while I’m here.
This Month’s Observation: Google might eat your reviews. Here’s what to do.

Six months ago a client left me a review on my Google Business Profile. She said she did, but I never saw it.
But I just found this blog post with a link to a Google contact form. I submitted the form (with the reviewer’s name) and they posted the review the next day. The review followed all of Google’s review policies, but it still got caught up in their system until I tracked down this form.
If you’re lucky enough to know someone left you a review, and you have their name or a copy of the review, reach out to Google to see if they’ll push it through. I’m hopeful Google will work on improving this system, but who knows.
For now, if you ask people for reviews, I recommend asking them to copy/save the review somewhere before they submit it to Google. They can email it to you directly, or post it to your Facebook page (or Yelp or TripAdvisor page if you have one).
Website & SEO Updates from Around the Web
How to redesign your site without losing your Google rankings
If you’re redesigning your website on your own, this is an absolute must-read.
Opening links in new tabs (or not)
Website accessibility guidelines are constantly evolving. This article made me change my linking practices.
Social media accessibility: inclusive design tips for 2023
If you post regularly on social media, it’s worth reading this guide to make sure your posts are accessible. As with web design, the things that make your posts more accessible to disabled users usually make your posts better for all users.
Try out an eco-friendly search engine
Another way to be green – use an eco-friendly search engine!
Google’s guidance about AI-generated content
It’s not a hard no to AI content… but if you’re using AI content on your website, make sure you know how Google will see/treat it and be thoughtful about it.
From my blog: Do you need a website refresh or a website redesign?
If your business hasn’t changed in major ways but your website could use a little TLC, a website refresh could be the way to go.
Just Launched: River Queen Holdings

River Queen Holdings is a new mixed opportunity zone fund working on reinvigorating the heart of Bishop, CA. They plan to renovate/expand Main Street real estate and businesses to continue building a thriving local economy.
Founder Jenn Whitney had been fundraising and spreading the word on her own, but it was time to get a website up to reach more people and be able to post project updates. Having prior experience using WordPress websites and a plan to grow the website down the line, WordPress was the right fit for Jenn’s website.
See the website and spread the word if you know any Bishop fans!