august, honey, you were mine
One day in her office with the tiny fountains and giant stuffed bear, my witchy therapist tells me it’s all connected, as in once we get to the core, you’ll be …
One day in her office with the tiny fountains and giant stuffed bear, my witchy therapist tells me it’s all connected, as in once we get to the core, you’ll be …
When I find out Mary Oliver has left this earth, I’m on the edge of 28, I’m drinking tea on the couch, the snow is falling sideways, and I can …
Sunday nights are the holiest, hardest times — I have let go of everything the last week asked for but I feel in my stomach the request to pick it …
After I get the call that the seller didn’t take my offer on the sunny south-facing condo I’d fallen in love with, I run errands for work – the office …
On the way to Black Velvet, the world was quiet except for the muffled hum of all the vehicles – stuck ones and moving ones and chained ones and lifted trucks and snow plows, some of them with spinning blades and blowers and some without.